The DHI hair transplant method, called direct hair implantation, is considered one of the most advantageous methods in terms of both the short recovery time and the possibility of performing multiple hair transplants in a single session.
The DHI hair transplant method, called direct hair implantation, is considered one of the most advantageous methods in terms of both the short recovery time and the possibility of performing multiple hair transplants in a single session.
Thanks to this method, which aims to intensify and close the bald areas without damaging the hair and healthy roots in the skin, a much more frequent and natural-looking hair transplant is performed. Before the procedure, hair follicles are examined in detail with high-resolution imaging devices.
The hair type of the person, the condition of the healthy hair follicles, the current hair density and the severity of shedding, the characteristics of the donor area are determined, and the general condition of the area to be transplanted is examined in detail. Then, the most suitable hair transplant for the person is designed and the procedure is started with local anesthesia applications.
In the DHI hair transplantation method, hair follicles taken from the nape of the person are generally preferred. With the micromotor device, which is one of the most advanced technological devices, the healthy hair follicles in the nape are carefully removed.
Then, the extracted hair follicles are placed in a special solution, thus ensuring the vitality of each hair follicle. After the removal of the roots from the donor area is completed, anesthesia is applied to the area where the hair transplant will be performed and the transplanting process is started. Before DHI, it is extremely important to design hair that is suitable for the person.
In this way, new hair follicles are placed in accordance with the direction of growth of each hair and the natural hair structure is preserved. Then, the healthy roots, which are safely removed through micro-tips, are directly planted on the areas where hair loss is experienced. Thanks to the DHI method, which does not require difficult interventions such as opening channels in the bald area before hair transplantation, the number of sessions required for successful results is reduced and tissue damage such as scars is not observed after the procedure, and the healing time is greatly shortened.
The DHI method is considered one of the most reliable hair transplantation methods, as this reduces the risk of infection in the area where hair transplantation is performed after the procedure. However, since there is no need for dressing and special care after the procedure, the patient can quickly return to his daily life.
Thanks to this method, which has many advantages, it is possible to have natural-looking, strong and healthy hair; It is possible to completely control the hair loss problem that occurs due to factors such as genetics or stress.