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Eyebrow Transplantation

Eyebrow Transplantation


What is Eyebrow Transplantation?

It is observed that the facial expression of the person is severely impaired when thinning or partial loss of eyebrows is experienced. Eyebrow transplantation is the transplantation of healthy hair follicles coded for shedding in the nape area to the eyebrow area.

Eyebrows are very important structures from an aesthetic point of view, surrounding the eyes, revealing the beauty of the eyes and face, providing facial integrity and expression. Emotions can be expressed only with eyebrow movements, while our eyebrows express our feelings and thoughts, they make a great contribution to the gestures and facial expressions on our face.

It is observed that the facial expression of the person is severely impaired when thinning or partial loss of eyebrows is experienced. Eyebrow transplantation is the transplantation of healthy hair follicles coded for shedding in the nape area to the eyebrow area. In eyebrow transplantation, the new shape to be given to the eyebrow is planned by keeping within the anatomical limits, taking into account the wishes of the patient.

Afterwards, the procedure is performed just like the hair transplant technique. The operation takes 1.5/2 hours and the person can return to his/her social life immediately. After a day, you can take a bath. It takes three to six months for the transplanted eyebrows to fully grow.

How Is Eyebrow Transplantation Performed?

In the procedure performed with local anesthesia, the roots taken from the nape area are transplanted to non-brow areas using the Fue technique and micromotor. After this surgery, it is necessary to protect the patient from external factors and for the healthy growth of new roots. The transplanted eyebrow roots are crusted and shed within 7 days, and usually at the end of 3 months, the eyebrows will start to grow. Success rates in eyebrow transplant applications are very high.

There is no medical harm or side effect of eyebrow transplantation until now. Eyebrow transplantation is the process of removing single hair strands from the nape area and transferring them to the degenerated area in the eyebrow area with a micromotor using the fue technique by expert plastic surgeons. Eyebrow is the most remarkable one among aesthetic applications.

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