If we consider the surgical method applied in the treatment of obesity as a "tool" for long-term weight loss and maintenance, whether the patient undergoing surgery uses this tool or whether the patient's tool works or not may require revisional surgery as a second intervention.
If we consider the surgical method applied in the treatment of obesity as a "tool" for long-term weight loss and maintenance, whether the patient undergoing surgery uses this tool or whether the patient's tool works or not may require revisional surgery as a second intervention.
However, since revisional surgery is a more difficult and comprehensive process than primary bariatric surgery, it is very important that it is performed by an experienced and experienced team.
Today, revision surgeries constitute 13% of obesity surgeries in the world.
Conditions requiring revisional surgery can be grouped under 2 headings.
1- Cases where adequate weight loss cannot be achieved or who are followed up with weight gain again
These patients should be evaluated in terms of the following criteria.
Failure of the patient to make the necessary lifestyle and diet changes in order to obtain a permanent and good result after the first surgery.
Weight loss of less than 50% of excess weight
Gaining more than 15% of the lost weight
2-The cases followed up due to complications after primary surgery
Gastric Band (Clamp) related problems, shifts, position change, progression into the stomach, infections
Serious reflux problems
Wideness or narrowing of the gastrointestinal foot
ulcerations etc.
Revisional surgical interventions usually aim to convert a previously unsuccessful restrictive surgical procedure to a malabsorptive or combined (restrictive + malabsorptive) method.
As a preliminary assessment at the stage of choosing the right revision approach for a patient who is considering revision surgery;
The opinion of an experienced surgeon to determine the surgical procedure,
A dietitian evaluation to evaluate how the patient manages the nutritional processes after the first surgery,
Evaluation by the psychiatrist/psychologist of how the patient will respond to a second surgery,
Gastroenterologist and radiologist evaluation to determine the current state of the stomach and intestines,
It is very important to evaluate the effects of other hormones, especially insulin, by an endocrinologist.