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PRP Hair Treatment

PRP Hair Treatment


What is PRP Hair Treatment?

Hair treatments are the common term used for all treatments applied to strengthen existing hair follicles, make them look fuller and healthier, and significantly prevent hair loss.

It is aimed to strengthen the hair follicles and to eliminate the causes of hair loss together with drugs. Hair loss can occur for a variety of reasons, including heredity, smoking, extreme stress, irregular meals, vitamin deficiency, and the use of many products, including chemicals.

Hair loss cannot be completely prevented, but depending on the different treatments applied in hair transplant centers, it can be delayed significantly and healthier and more beautiful hair can be achieved.

How is PRP Hair Treatment Applied?

For PRP hair treatment, blood must be taken from the person. For this reason, 10 cc of blood is taken from human venous blood first. Red blood cells in human blood are separated by microfiltration and centrifugation.

After these procedures, platelets and thrombotic cells donate copious amounts of plasma material. The next step is to apply the material to the hair roots. This application, which is based on tissue regeneration, takes about 30 minutes and is painless during the application. When the surgery goes smoothly, the hair follicles heal and return to a healthy state.

PRP, which is a hair treatment, is the process of collecting a small amount of blood from the human body, separating the plasma with a special process and giving it back to the body by injection. The resulting plasma is rich in cells called 'platelets'.

Platelets play an important role in wound healing thanks to the growth factors contained in platelets, which play a key role in the establishment of blood clots in the body. Treatment with PRP can heal some diseases in the body and rejuvenate the skin with your own blood.

PRP treatment, which uses your own blood instead of drugs, prevents slow cell regeneration, especially due to environmental and genetic factors. PRP is used in hair loss treatment, skin rejuvenation, pain treatment and many diseases caused by orthopedics.

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